
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Neighbor's Flowers

 The following is a selection of photographs taken in my neighbor's yard.  On a gloomy day like today, a little color might help to brighten the way.


Mountain Laurel

Mountain Laurel

Mountain Laurel
Some sort of ground cover

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Flower & Wildlife Meet



The Pictures say it all!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Pileated Woodpecker Revisited

     Last night emerged as a beautiful late June evening of about seventy degrees.  The warm hues of twilight, the distinct aroma of pine, and the chirping of a multitude of feathered friends all helped to set the stage for a special visit from not one, but two, pileated woodpeckers, a rare sight indeed.  While one explored one of our feeders the other was but some thirty feet away probing for bugs in one of our birch trees.  After about ten minutes, they were content to go back to patrolling the territory they command in the surrounding woods.  It is a true pleasure to share the following photos with the hope that you too will have such an encounter in your very special summer.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

A Few More Blossoms



Rugosa Rose
Rugosa Rose

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Late Spring Blossoms



  Just a few late spring blossoms found in our yard.

Wild Daisey

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Pileated Woodpecker

     Today my wife an I had the treat of having a visit from a pileated woodpecker.  An informational video can be viewed by clicking on

     The Pileated Woodpecker is a truly impressive and unforgettable bird, for those who are blessed with an opportunity to see and observe them. With its brilliant red crest, loud alarming call, large "crow sized" body, and handsome white wing linings, this bird is a memorable one. For Birders and other nature enthusiasts who spend time outdoors looking for and observing other members of the bird family, catching a glimpse of a Pileated Woodpecker is a rewarding experience. Smelling the fresh aroma of newly cut wood chips coming from a recent excavation of a Pileated Woodpecker is a moment that will not be forgotten. The damage that is done to trees, buildings, and utility poles by the Pileated Woodpecker is unbelievable! Thankfully this bird is non-migratory and we are able to enjoy its presence year round.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

More Maine Spring

     When the sun shines I only can find time for quick posts like the one that follows.  Frankly, I hope it is hard to find the time necessary to continue posting my lighthouse journey.

      As illustrated in the previous post below, there is always beauty to be found up close.  However, sometimes backing up isn't bad either.  Please look forward to August when I will be featuring shots from the "Forever Summer Flower Farm" in Camden.  I know I can't wait to do the photo session.  I sincerely hope you will join me.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Spring Blossoms

 If one looks close enough, beauty can be found almost anywhere.  The following is a random selection of blossoms found in our own humble yard.  In my busy life, I can walk right past true beauty without noticing.  I hope they bring a little light and beauty into your day.  Enjoy!