
Friday, February 21, 2014

Prospect Harbor Point Lighthouse

     The small village of Prospect Harbor developed a substantial fishing fleet in the nineteenth century. The first lighthouse to mark the east side of the harbor entrance was built in 1850. The light was deactivated between 1859 and 1870, because "the harbor is not used as a harbor of refuge, and the village near which it is situated had only a small coasting trade." Evidently, the use of the harbor increased, as in 1870 the Lighthouse Board announced that the light was reactivated on May 15 "to serve as a guide to the harbor of refuge which it marks."

     The original granite lighthouse attached to the keeper's house was replaced in 1891 by the present 38-foot wood lighthouse and a new 1 1/2 story farmhouse-style keeper's house. The house and tower were at first attached by a covered passageway, but the passageway was later removed. A stone oil house was added in 1905, and for a time the station had an active fog bell.

     The light was automated in 1934, but a keeper (John Workman) remained at the station until 1953. It remains an active aid to navigation today, while the surrounding grounds and buildings belong to the U.S. Navy. The keeper's house, known as "Gull Cottage", is also available for overnight stays for active and retired military families.

     According to guests at the keeper's house in recent years, there has been ghostly activity in the building. A statue of a sea captain seems to change positions by itself, and some guests claim to have seen or heard a ghost at night.

     The tower suffered from water leakage for some time. In August 2004, ALF had the lantern removed by crane and moved to a nearby boatyard. The lead paint was removed and the lantern was repainted.

     At the same time, the lantern deck was rebuilt and the windows were removed and replaced. The Cape Cod Chapter of ALF contributed $30,000 toward this project from funds generated from the overnight stays at Cape Cod's Race Point Lighthouse.

     This attractive lighthouse can be seen across the harbor from Route 186 in Prospect Harbor. You can also drive to the entrance of the Navy installation for a good view of the light station. The grounds around the lighthouse are off limits because of security concerns at the Navy installation.

     Directions:  From U.S. Route 1, take either ME 186 or 195 to Prospect Harbor.  Turn at the sign to Corea at the intersection of these two routes.  FR 605 (Lighthouse Point Road) is about 0.2 miles.  The light is easily photographed from  the shoreline, from the grounds of the Stinson Canning Company (on ME 186 entering Prospect Harbor or from a turnout on the shoulder of ME 186, just north of the canning company.  The best light is in shooting is in the afternoon.

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